Seminare mit Romy Luginbühl und Annekatrin Sauter
Wie werde ich zu meiner besten Freundin, meinem besten Freund? mit Inquiry-Based Coaching™ Eintagesseminar in Adliswil
Daten: Samstag 20.01.2024
Ort: Grundstrasse 14, 8134 Adliswil
Leiterin: Romy Luginbühl
Anmeldung: romy.luginbuehl@bluewin.ch, www.freudig.ch, 078 714 13 33
Kosten: CHF 180,- pro Seminar
Mühelose Beziehungen mit Inquiry-Based Coaching (IBC)™
Daten: Sa./So. 18/19.11.2023
Zeit: Samstag 09.00 - 19.00 Uhr
Sonntag 08.30 - 16.00 Uhr
Ort: Grundstrasse 14, 8134 Adliswil
Leitung: Romy Luginbühl und Annekatrin Sauter
Anmeldung: romy.luginbuehl@bluewin.ch, www.freudig.ch, 078 714 13 33
Kosten: CHF 360,-
Wochenendseminare mit Corinna Münzberg
Strahlende befreite Weiblichkeit und Fülle leben mit Inquiry Based Coaching (IBC)™
Wie du deine ursprüngliche weibliche Magie und Kraft wieder entfesselst
Daten: Sa./So. 20/21.01.2024 (Zürich)
Ort: Praxis Höschgasse 28, 8008 Zürich
Soulful Sex: Körperehre, Lust & Sinnlichkeit mit Inquiry Based Coaching (IBC)™
Wie du unver’schämt’ genussvoll erfüllte Sexualität lebst
Daten: Sa./So. 03/04.03.2024 (Zürich)
Ort: Praxis Höschgasse 28, 8008 Zürich
Zeit: Samstag 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Sonntag 09.00 - 16.30 Uhr
Leitung: Corinna Münzberg
Kosten: CHF 360,- pro Seminar
Anmeldung: cm@corinna-muenzberg.com, www.corinna-muenzberg.com
Tel. 076 500 97 66
Seminare mit Janine Paliwoda und Matthias Senn
Einführung in Inquiry-Based Coaching (IBC)™ Eintagesseminar in Zürich
Daten: Samstag 16.12.2023 (Coachen mit der IBC-Methode)
Zeit: Samstag 09.30 - 18.00 Uhr
Ort: Witilingua, Oetlisbergstrasse 10, 8053 Zürich
Leitung: Matthias Senn
Anmeldung: www.witicoach.ch, janine.paliwoda@witilingua.ch, 079 278 18 55
Kosten: CHF 180,- pro Seminar
Touchpoint Communication Seehofstrasse 9, 2. OG 6004 Luzern
May 4, 10.00 - 18.00
May 5, 9.00 - 17.00
2 days Seminar, CHF 360.-
Registration at Corinna Münzberg:
Tel: +41 (0) 76 500 97 66
Love and authenticity are the highest forms of human vibration. Fear is what blocks them.
The times are intense and powerful in both a collective and personal way. Stronger than ever. These changes demand so much from us that we show up in ways that have tested us deeply. Change brings pain and suffering, which, if used with clear intention and precise tools, can be a profound catalyst for growth and heart expansion, bringing forth a deeper form of love and authenticity in each of us.
This process is what I call Heart Alchemy. You don’t have to navigate this alone. Let’s do this together.
I invite you to this exciting journey, where we will explore the secrets of emotional transformation and its profound impact on personal growth and well- being. Throughout this 2 day seminar in Lucerne.
We will break down the key chapters that make up this process, from the metaphor of the heart as an alchemical crucible to the exploration of emotions, the importance of self-reflection, and
the healing of emotional wounds.
We will also address how to apply the principles of emotional alchemy to our relationships and cultivate positive emotions to achieve a fulfilling life.
This course is a continuous journey where we will learn to move from fear to expansive love, transforming into a heart of gold and sustaining it.
Get ready for a transformative learning experience as we unravel the mysteries of the alchemy of the heart!
What we will cover on this alchemical weekend?
· The heart as the crucible of emotions
· Understanding difficult and painful emotions
· The alchemical process
· Embracing vulnerability
· Self-reflection and awareness
· Healing emotional wounds
· Cultivating a life with a heart of gold
· Relationships and emotional alchemy
· Living a fulfilling life
· The continuing journey of learning to move from fear to expansive LOVE
Practice, Practice, Practice together
Take aways and input for sustained support after the weekend.
“I deeply believe that we need to talk about Love, Self-love way more than we do. The Love we think we know and the one we can still discover and expand way more internally. This is not about gender it’s about a force we need to recall and remember in all of us.” Tania Fierro
RESERVE & BOOK YOUR 1:1 DIRECTLY VIA FOLLOWING LINK https://calendly.com/taniafierro
Registration at Corinna Münzberg:
Tel: +41 (0) 76 500 97 66
There is a longing for powerful conversations that question and deconstruct our old inherited world views and build a new way of being together.
We are invited to take the next step towards expanding our soul’s journey. We are calling in women who wish to step into their power and their wisdom, fully embodying their divine feminine alignment. Making the conscious journey form the abandoned inner child to our Goddess energy.
I invite you to stop playing small as a way of protection internally and externally, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually and fully embrace life in your unique way. I invite you to deeply listen to those parts of ourselves that we have forgotten.
Through The Heroine’s Journey, The Divine Feminine, and the integration of the feminine and masculine energies within: What does it mean to connect to her divine presence and wisdom within? To live her love: as Earth, as Spirit, as Body. How does she fully embody love? The kind of love that dissolves ego and looks closely into pain, and the ways we have forsaken, abandoned this part of ourselves as an exchange for some form of perceived limited success.
This adventure will embody the study and incorporation of a rebellious and unflinching Self-love, a deep form of courage and a wicked humour. It’s an opportunity to reconnect, to harvest, and share our wisdom; to embody the feminine wisdom we are and take our seats as fully integrated beings in our unique way.
This course is about reframing how we’ve misunderstood and starved our female source, wisdom and effortless power. it is about noticing the ways we have denied our own beauty and power and how to reclaim it, embrace it and let it guide the next stages of our journey to freedom and wholesome being.
Are you feeling called to step into a world nourished by your gifts, boundless freedom as you lead your life’s values and passion from the depths of your magic?
We invite you to join us on this transformational journey. The practices and resources of this container will support you deeply in all areas of your life. Whether you are experienced or a beginner, this deep dive into yourself is for you.
Sign up to start this life-giving journey.
Outline of the program
• Embody the spirit of inquiry that moves through you; enjoy your life’s harvest and becoming an elder.
• Let’stalkabouthowself-loveandgroundedcourage looklike for you in this next phase of your life.
• Remembertheforcethatwehaveforgotten.Enjoyyourharvest. Plant new seeds.
• Honourthepowerofoursexualityandcapacitytocreateinso many ways.
• RecognizethetraitsofthewiseZerospacewithinyou. Acknowledge what you haven’t activated yet. Get comfortable
and excited with the mystery of the unknown.
• Findlaughter,light,andjoybehindlife’schallenges.
• Rebirth,renewandrealignyourselfineverymoment.
Every session will be a deep dive to learn and experience how IBC (Inquiry Based Coaching) and IFS (Internal Family Systems) supportour internal challenges.
We will co- create a powerful containerof trust, support, and grounded delight. To be able to love stronger and wider than ever. Let’s move forward towards freedom, trust, openness, deep self-love, inner connection and clarity.
In addition you will be able to embody and explore your experienceseven more through bodywork sessions such as continuum, 5rhythmand ecstatic dance.
“I deeply believe that we need to talk about love, self- love way more than we do. The love we think we know and the one we can still discover and expand way more internally. This is not about gender it’s about a force we need to recall and remember in all of us.”
The Schweibenalp Center is an energetic power place, located in
the Bernese Oberland at 1,100 meters, with a view of the turquoise Lake Brienz. Surrounded by a mighty mountain landscape with lots of forest and meadows. Delicious vegetarian food, some permaculture gardens, a meditation temple and a magic place for fire rituals offer a special ambience for our retreat.
Location for direct booking of overnights including full board:
Zentrum Schweibenalp
3855 Brienz, Switzerland
+41 (0) 33 952 2000 info@schweibenalp.ch
5 days Seminar, CHF 720.-
April 28, 17:00 - 22:00
April 29 - May 1, 9:00 - 22:00
May 2, 9:00 - 13:00
4 nights in single or shared room 2-6 pers with shared bathroom/toilet, full board including water or tea, snacks in the breaks
Single room: CHF 160.- (640,-)
Double room: CHF 135.- (520,-)
Multi-bed room: CHF 121.- (484,-)
In own tent: CHF 87.- (348,-)
In own camper: CHF 102.- (408,-)
Registration at Corinna Münzberg
cm@corinna-muenzberg.com Tel: +41 (0) 76 500 97 66
Corinna is the founder of the WE-Academy for Women’s Empowerment in Lucerne. IBC has become a way of being and living for her to connect with her untamed true core, her feminine essence and living her deepest truth. As a life coach she helps women to dissolve selfdoubt and fear and unleashing their full potential. She encourage them, to fully shine their light and discover the magic of the embodied sacred feminine.
Her mission is that every woman can feel that she is whole, valuable and beautiful, exactly as she is. To encourage women to stepping in their full greatness and creating life that is in deep alignment with their destiny.
She loves beauty in all it’s existing expressions, dancing in nature, traveling around the world and creating heart homes who makes people feel joyful, nurtured and connected.